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On The Down Low


"We can keep it on the down low... Nobody has to know... Secret lovers is what you wanna be...

What is a man to do in a situation like this? I feel there is something that I don't wanna miss."
-R Kelly Song Lyrics

Downlow (or "On the Downlow" or "DL") may refer to any (indecent or salacious) activity or relationship that is kept discreet or private. Generally, it may refer to any kind of secret hook-up, cheating, infidelity, extramarital affair, or covert rendezvous. Specifically, it may refer to keeping an act or action hidden or keeping any piece of information a secret ("I'll tell you, but I want you to keep it on the down low").  Downlow synonyms include: low key, low profile, hush hush, not a word, no tell, on the sly.



On the Downlow: What Does it Mean?

Is Your Man on the Downlow?

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

Wikipedia: Men Who Have Sex With Men

JL King: On the Downlow

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys
Slate: Downlow and White

Downlow is sexual slang for men who are straight (heterosexual), and identify as straight, but have sex with men (often a friend) on the side without disclosing the activity to their female partner.

Some men in heterosexual relationships have sex with other men without the knowledge of their wives or girlfriends. Often these men do not consider themselves gay or bisexual.

The term has most often been associated with African American men. Although the term originated in the African American community, the behaviors associated with the term are not new and not specific to black men who have sex with men. There are reports of rural white men who engage in downlow activity.

Often, downlow behavior occurs in settings and cultures in which being gay is socially unacceptable or morally taboo and fiercely prohibited. It also occurs in cultures in which masculinity (or machismo) is held in high regard and the notion of a man acting feminine is abhorrent. While the practice of straight men secretly having sex with men is witnessed across all ethnic groups, it appears to be more prominent in communities in which traditional values are strictly applied and rigid rules foster intolerance.

Web MD: Straight Men Having Gay Sex

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Info: Skirt Club

Can You Have Sex With Other Men and Still Identify as Straight?
NY Times: Double Lives on the Down Low

Info: Unfaithful Spouse

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

Wikipedia: Down Low, Sexual Slang

Bud Sex Between Straight Rural Men

R Kelly Music Video: Downlow, Nobody Has to Know

Info: Monogamy


What is MSM?

Men who have sex with men (males who have sex with males), abbreviated as MSM, are male persons who engage in sexual activity with members of the same sex, regardless of how they identify themselves. MSM can describe any men who choose not to accept social identities of gay or bisexual. The term was created in the 1990s by epidemiologists in order to study the spread of disease among men who have sex with men, regardless of identity.

MSM is often used in medical literature and social research to describe such men as a group for research studies without considering issues of self-identification regarding sexual orientation.


On the Downlow: What Does it Mean?

Is Your Man on the Downlow?

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Wikipedia: Men Who Have Sex With Men

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

JL King: On the Downlow

Slate: Downlow and White


What is SGL?

Same-gender-loving, or SGL, a term coined for African American use by activist Cleo Manago, is a description for homosexuals and bisexuals in the African American community. It emerged in the early 1990s as a culturally affirming African American homosexual identity.

SGL was adapted as an Afrocentric alternative to what are deemed Eurocentric homosexual identities (gay and lesbian) which do not culturally affirm or engage the history and cultures of people of African descent. The term SGL usually has broad, important and positive personal, social, and political purposes and consequences.


In a 2004 study of African American men, most of whom were recruited from black gay organizations, 12% identified as same-gender-loving, while 53% identified as gay. Men attending Black Gay Pride Festivals in nine US cities in 2000 responded similarly, with 10% identifying as same-gender-loving, 66% as gay, and 14% as bisexual. Recent studies indicate that African-American disadvantaged youths are less likely than Euro-American youths to self-label as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer.

The term AGL (All Gender Loving) is slowly being recognized as well. AGL is a label for bisexual and pansexual Black people. The word's origin is unknown, though it is most commonly attributed to Black LGBTQ people who are active in gender/sexuality discussions across social media.

Web MD: Straight Men Having Gay Sex

Info: Skirt Club

NY Times: Double Lives on the Down Low

Info: Unfaithful Spouse

Wikipedia: Down Low, Sexual Slang

Bud Sex Between Straight Rural Men

R Kelly Music Video: Downlow, Nobody Has to Know

Info: Monogamy

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Can You Have Sex With Other Men and Still Identify as Straight?


Down Low Culture

The term "downlow" originated in the Black community, and was originally used to describe "any kind of slick, secretive behavior, including infidelity in heterosexual relationships."

According to a study published in the Journal of Bisexuality, "The Down Low is a lifestyle predominately practiced by young, urban Black men who have sex with other men and women, yet do not identify as gay or bisexual."

In this context, "being on the Down Low" is more than just men having sex with men in secret, or a variant of closeted homosexuality or bisexuality.  It is a sexual identity that is, at least partly, defined by its "cult of masculinity" and its rejection of what is perceived as white culture (including white LGBTQ culture) and terms.



Web MD: Straight Men Having Gay Sex
NY Times: Double Lives on the Down Low

Info: Unfaithful Spouse

Wikipedia: Down Low, Sexual Slang

Bud Sex Between Straight Rural Men

R Kelly Music Video: Downlow, Nobody Has to Know

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Can You Have Sex With Other Men and Still Identify as Straight?


A 2003 New York Times Magazine cover story on the Down Low phenomenon explains that the black community sees "homosexuality as a white man's perversion." It then goes on to describe the Down Low culture as follows:

"Rejecting a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate, many black men have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low. There have always been men (black and white) who have had secret sexual lives with men. But the creation of an organized, underground subculture largely made up of black men who otherwise live straight lives is a phenomenon of the last decade. Most date or marry women and engage sexually with men they meet only in anonymous settings like bathhouses and parks or through the Internet. Many of these men are young and from the inner city, where they live in a hypermasculine thug culture. Other DL men form romantic relationships with men and may even be peripheral participants in mainstream gay culture, all unknown to their colleagues and families. Most DL men identify themselves not as gay or bisexual but first and foremost as black. To them, as to many blacks, that equates to being inherently masculine."

On the Downlow: What Does it Mean?

Is Your Man on the Downlow?

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Wikipedia: Men Who Have Sex With Men

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

JL King: On the Downlow

Slate: Downlow and White

Info: Skirt Club


Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

A sociology professor has finally answered the age old question: why do ‘straight’ men enjoy sex with other men?  In his new book Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility Among White Men in Rural America, UBC professor Tony Silva explores the secretive sex lives of men who have hookups, sexual friendships and even loving relationships with other men, yet continue to identify as straight.

Drawing on 60 interviews across the US, Silva challenges the common notion that such men are simply closeted due to their internalised homophobia.



Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

On the Downlow: What Does it Mean?

Is Your Man on the Downlow?
Wikipedia: Men Who Have Sex With Men

JL King: On the Downlow

Can You Have Sex With Other Men and Still Identify as Straight?

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Slate: Downlow and White

“The majority of the men I interviewed reported that they are primarily attracted to women, not men,” he explained in the Georgia Straight. For some, it’s just about having a more active sex life – they don’t consider gay sex cheating and see it as a loophole in their marriage. Some held stereotypical beliefs about female sexuality, and feared that female lovers would become “emotionally clingy” and threaten their marriage.

For others, sex with men allows them to experience pleasure without the pressure to be in control. Some were simply lonely and unsure how to reach out for human touch in a way that felt masculine.  “I find it particularly interesting and ironic that their conservative beliefs about gender actually encourage them to have sex with men,” Silva noted.

As to why these men maintain that they are straight, rather than bisexual, he says there are many reasons for this too. “Most of the men identified as straight because they felt that this identity best reflected their romantic relationships with women, their integration in communities composed mostly of straight people, or the way they understood their masculinity,” the professor said.

“Identifying as straight also meant they could avoid stigma and feel connected to a socially dominant group. Many felt that sex with men was irrelevant to their identities given other aspects of their lives. They felt that heterosexuality and masculinity were ‘normal’ and expected of them.”


Sexuality is multidimensional, and attractions, behaviors and identities do not always align – so when a straight-identified man has sex with another man, he views himself as straight despite sex with men, according to Silva. “While many people understandably think that men are ‘closeted’ if they have sex with other men yet identify as straight, this is not exactly true,” he said.

“These men are secretive about their sexual behavior, but not their identity. In fact, sexual encounters with men are mostly irrelevant to their identity.”


[Source: Emma Powys Maurice, Pink News, March 2021]

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

On the Downlow: What Does it Mean?

Is Your Man on the Downlow?
Wikipedia: Men Who Have Sex With Men

JL King: On the Downlow

Can You Have Sex With Other Men and Still Identify as Straight?

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

Slate: Downlow and White


Down Low Memoir

Author JL King has written three books about the downlow phenomenon, most recently, "On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of Straight Black Men Who Sleep with Men."

Joe Moe, a critic for Amazon, submitted the following review of King's latest book: The closer a secret is kept, the more powerful the impact once it is finally revealed. Such is the case with author and activist JL King's intriguing look at the lives and lifestyles of black men who sleep with other men but do not consider themselves to be gay. These men live "on the down low," the "DL" for short, and their sexual activities have gained significant notice as the rate of HIV/AIDS infection in black women has skyrocketed, with the vast majority of cases coming from heterosexual sex.


King is a veteran of the DL phenomenon himself and his book serves partly as a social and psychological survey of the other men he has surveyed and partly as highly candid memoir. King was well regarded in his community, popular at his church, successful in his career, and married to a woman who had no idea that his secret life existed. But when she caught him in a lie and with another man, the marriage collapsed and King's long and painful path to self-awareness began. King cites the negative image many socially conservative black men have of homosexuality as an obstacle to those men being honest with their partners and themselves about who they are.


Among the more intriguing elements of "On the Down Low" are the peculiar approaches men on the DL have to the sexual act, seeking a strictly physical sexual relationship with their secret male partners while remaining in more traditional arrangements with women. Whether this discrepancy is a product of scrupulously guarded secrecy and shame or the natural preference of an understudied sexual identity is one of the numerous questions raised by this book. Though the infection statistics make the DL a huge public health issue, King is neither a sociologist nor a medical professional. And while a more clinical look at this issue would be welcome, King accomplished what he set out to do: provide light and insight into a world that so many have worked so hard to keep in the shadows.


Web MD: Straight Men Having Gay Sex
NY Times: Double Lives on the Down Low

Info: Skirt Club

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

Info: Unfaithful Spouse

Wikipedia: Down Low, Sexual Slang

Can You Have Sex With Other Men and Still Identify as Straight?

Bud Sex Between Straight Rural Men

Reasons Straight Men Hook Up With Guys

R Kelly Music Video: Downlow, Nobody Has to Know

Info: Monogamy




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