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Glossary of LGBTQ Terms


Advocate – Person who actively works to end intolerance, educate others, and support social equity for a marginalized group.  To actively support or plead in favor of a particular cause, the action of working to end intolerance and educate others.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, if left untreated, slowly damages the body's immune system. Without a strong, healthy immune system, the body becomes susceptible to many infections and illnesses. If a person living with HIV becomes sick with a serious infection or illness, they are said to have Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


AFAB|AMAB - Assigned Female at Birth|Assigned Male at Birth. Refers to a person's medical assignment, physical features, biological elements, and anatomical manifestations regarding sex.


Agender - Literally means "without gender" or "non-gender." It is a non-binary gender identity or a statement of not having a gender identity. Genderless, lacking gender, gender neutral, unknown or undefinable gender.


Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Info: Frequently Asked Questions

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Info: Archaic LGBTQ Terminology

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

LGBTQ Glossary


Ally – Person, typically straight (heterosexual) or cis-identified, who personally respects and actively supports members of the LGBTQ community.


Androgyny|Androgynous – Gender expression that has elements of both masculinity and femininity.  Occasionally used in place of "intersex" to describe a person with both female and male anatomy. Slang: Andro.

Androsexual|Androphilic – Attraction to men, males, and masculinity


Aromantic – Person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others and/or a lack of interest in forming romantic relationships.  Slang: Aro.

Asexual – Having a lack of (or low level of) sexual attraction to others. Having a lack of interest or desire for sex or sexual partners. Asexuality exists on a spectrum from people who experience no sexual attraction or have any desire for sex to those who experience low levels and only after significant amounts of time. Slang: Ace.



BDSM – Initialism used as an umbrella term to describe a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, role-playing, restraint, and other "kinky" interpersonal dynamics. It is sometimes referred to as kink sexual identity or lifestyle. The term BDSM derives from joining the term B&D (bondage and discipline) with S&M (sadomasochism or sadism and masochism), or as a compound initialism from B&D, D&S (dominance and submission), and S&M.

Bears - Subculture of gay/bisexual males who present a hypermasculine image. They are described as having hairy bodies and facial hair. They can be burly, hefty, stocky, husky, rustic, natural, heavy-set, muscular, or chubby.


Bigender – Person who fluctuates between traditionally "woman" and "man" gender-based behavior and identities, identifying with both genders (and sometimes a third gender).


Bicurious – Curiosity about having attraction to people of the same gender or sex. Also describes a person who is questioning or exploring their sexuality.



Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Info: Frequently Asked Questions

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Info: Archaic LGBTQ Terminology

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

LGBTQ Glossary


Biological Sex – Medical term used to refer to the chromosomal, hormonal, and anatomical characteristics that are used to classify (identify) an individual as female or male or intersex. Physical elements manifest through organs and genitals.  Sex assigned or designated at birth.


Biphobia|Biphobic – Range of negative attitudes (fear, anger, intolerance, resentment, erasure, discomfort) that one may have or express towards bisexual individuals. Biphobia can come from and be seen within the queer community as well as straight society. Biphobic is a word used to describe an individual who harbors some elements of this range of negative attitudes towards bisexual people.

Bisexual|Bisexuality – Person emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to both male/men and females/women. Term used to indicate a sexual orientation that expresses interest in both male/men and female/women. Slang: Bi.

Bottom - Submissive person involved in a sexual act. Receiver, catcher.


Bottom Surgery - Term refers to Sex Reassignment Surgery involving genital reconstruction.


Butch – Person who identifies themselves as masculine (manly, boyish, macho, hard, aggressive), whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. Sometimes used as a derogatory term for lesbians, but is also be claimed as an affirmative identity label. Also: Stud, Boi, Dyke.


Cisgender – Person whose gender identity and biological sex (assigned at birth) align. Person who is not transgender is cisgender. Slang: Cis.


Cisnormativity – Assumption, in individuals or in institutions, that everyone is cisgender, and that cisgender identities are superior to transgender identities or people. Leads to invisibility and marginalization of non-cisgender identities.

Cissexism - Focus on norms that enforce the gender binary and gender essentialism, resulting in the oppression of gender variant, non-binary, and transgender identities. Cissexism is also termed cisgenderism, cisnormativity or cissexual assumption, occasionally used synonymously with transphobia.


Closeted – Individuals who are not open to themselves or others about their sexuality or gender identity. This may be by choice and/or for other reasons such as fear for one’s safety, peer or family rejection or disapproval and/or loss of housing or job.  Also known as being "in the closet." When someone chooses to break this silence they "come out" of the closet.

Coming Out – Process by which one accepts and/or comes to identify one’s own sexuality or gender identity (to come out to oneself).  Process by which one shares one’s sexuality or gender identity with others (to come out to friends, family, co-workers).


Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: Outdated LGBTQ Terminology

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: LGBTQ Slang


Constellation – Arrangement or structure of a polyamorous relationship.  Sometimes referred to as a tribe, triad, thrupple, or quad.

Cross-Dresser – Someone who wears clothes of another gender/sex. Same as Transvestite.

Deadnaming -
Act of referring to a transgender person's birth name instead of their chosen name. Practice of uttering or publishing the name that a transgender person used prior to transition.


Demisexual – Individual who does not experience sexual attraction unless they have formed a strong emotional connection with another individual. Often within a romantic relationship.

Down Low (DL) - Term used to refer to men who maintain a heterosexual identity and lifestyle in their daily lives, but engage in same-sex intercourse as a secret part of their lives.


Drag (Drag Queen, Drag King, Drag Performer, Transvestite) - Refers to people who dress in clothing and make-up that is opposite their gender for the purpose of entertainment or theatrical performance in events such as parades or pageants. The performance is typically campy, exaggerated, and intentionally dramatic and flamboyant.


Dyke – Term referring to a masculine presenting (butch) lesbian. While often used derogatorily, it can is adopted affirmatively by many lesbians (and not necessarily masculine ones) as a positive self-identity term.



Emotional|Spiritual Attraction – Affinity to engage in empathetic (interdependent) intimate behavior (sharing, confiding, trusting, loving) with another person.

Endosex - Opposite of intersex. It means that a person has innate physical sex characteristics (anatomy, chromosomes, genitals) that match what is expected for female or male bodies. Also: dyadic.


Fag|Faggot  -  Derogatory term referring to a gay person, or someone perceived as queer. Occasionally used as an self-identifying affirming term by some gay men.

Feminine Presenting|Masculine Presenting – Way to describe someone who expresses gender in a more feminine or masculine way, for example in their hair style, demeanor, clothing choice, or style.

Info: LGBTQ History

Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

LGBTQ Glossary

Info: LGBTQ Slang


Femme – Someone who identifies as feminine (womanly, ladylike, girlish, effeminate, soft, tender) whether physically, mentally or emotionally. Often used to refer to a feminine-presenting queer woman.

Fluid|Fluidity  -  Describes an identity that may change or shift over time.  Identity described on a continuum or spectrum.  Identity described as between or within the mix of the options available (man and woman, gay and straight, male and female).  Example of usage: gender-fluid, fluid-sexuality.

FTM|F2M  – Abbreviation for female-to-male transgender or transsexual person. 

Gay – Term used to describe individuals who are primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the same sex and/or gender. More commonly used when referring to males/men-identified people who are attracted to males/men-identified people.  Can be applied to females/women-identified people as well.  Umbrella term used to refer to the queer community as a whole, or as an individual identity label for anyone who does not identify as heterosexual.

Gender - Socially constructed collection of traits, behaviors, and meanings that have been traditionally attributed to biological differences. 



Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: Outdated LGBTQ Terminology

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: LGBTQ Slang


Gender Bending - Disrupting or messing with gender roles. Sometimes a form of social activism undertaken to destroy rigid gender roles and defy sex-role stereotypes.

Gender Binary – Idea that there are only two genders (male/female or man/woman) and that a person must be strictly identified as one or the other, with no options in between.

Gender Dysphoria - Discomfort with an assigned sex and/or gender and/or the gender norms and roles associated with either.


Gender Expression – External (social) display of one’s gender, through a combination of dress, demeanor, social behavior, and other factors, generally measured on scales of masculinity and femininity.  Also referred to as "gender presentation."

Gender Fluid – Gender identity best described as a dynamic mix of boy and girl. Person who is gender fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders, but may feel more male/man/masculine some days, and more female/woman/feminine other days.


Gender Identity – Internal (emotional) perception of an one’s gender, and how they label themselves, based on how much they align or don’t align with what they understand their options for gender to be. Common identity labels include man, woman, genderqueer, trans, and more.

Gender Neutral Pronouns (GNP) -  Alternate pronouns that are gender neutral and preferred by some transgender or genderqueer people.  Replacing "he" or "she" with "they" or "ze."


Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) – Someone whose gender presentation, whether by nature or by choice, does not align in a predicted fashion with gender-based expectations.

Gender Normative|Gender Straight – Someone whose gender presentation, whether by nature or by choice, aligns with society’s gender-based expectations.



Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

Info: Frequently Asked Questions

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Info: Outdated LGBTQ Terminology

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

Genderqueer – Gender identity label often used by people who do not identify with the binary of man/woman.  An umbrella term for many gender non-conforming or non-binary identities (agender, bigender, genderfluid, genderflux, gender creative).  Genderqueer people may think of themselves as one or more identities.  They may define gender terms differently.  They may combine aspects man and woman and other identities (bigender, pangender).  They may not have a gender or identify with a gender (genderless, agender).  they may move between genders (genderfluid).  they may refer to themselves as third gender or other-gender.  Genderqueer includes those who do not place a name to their gender or have an overlap of, or blurred lines between, gender identity and sexual and romantic orientation.

Gender Variant– Someone who either by nature or by choice does not conform to gender-based expectations of society (transgender, transsexual, intersex, gender-queer, cross-dresser).

Gynesexual|Gynephilic – Attracted to woman, females, and/or femininity.

Heterocentrism|Heterocentric -Ideology and assumption that all people are or should be heterosexual and that LGBTQ people are not important. It is an ongoing disregard for and dismissal of LGBTQ people.


Heteronormative|Heteronormativity – Assumption, in individuals or in institutions, that everyone is heterosexual, and that heterosexuality is superior to all other sexualities. Leads to invisibility and stigmatizing of other sexualities. This idea often includes such concepts as gender normativity, gender roles, the assumption that individuals should identify as men and women, the rule of masculine men and feminine women, and the idea that men and women are a complementary pair.



Info: LGBTQ History

Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

LGBTQ Glossary

Info: LGBTQ Slang

Heterosexism – Oppressive behavior that grants preferential treatment to heterosexual people, reinforces the idea that heterosexuality is somehow better or more "right" than queerness, and makes other sexualities invisible or marginalized.

Heterosexual|Heterosexuality – Medical/clinical term that describes a person primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex. Also known as straight.  Slang: Het.


HIV|AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), if left untreated, slowly damages the body's immune system. Without a strong, healthy immune system, the body becomes susceptible to many infections and illnesses. If a person living with HIV becomes sick with a serious infection or illness, they are said to have Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


Homophobia|Homophobic – Umbrella term for a range of oppressive negative attitudes (fear, anger, intolerance, resentment, hate, erasure, discomfort) that one may have towards members of LGBTQ community.

Homosexual|Homosexuality – Medical/clinical term used to describe a person primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the same sex/gender. The term is considered stigmatizing due to its history as a mental illness category, and is discouraged for common use (use gay or lesbian instead).

Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Info: LGBTQ History

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: Archaic LGBTQ Terminology

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

CNN: LGBTQ and Other Sexual Identity Terms Explained


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - Taking hormones to enable one’s outward appearance to conform more closely to one’s inner gender identity.


Intersex – Someone whose combination of chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and genitals differs from the two expected patterns of male or female. In the medical care of infants the initialism DSD (Differing/Disorders of Sex Development). Formerly known as hermaphrodite (or hermaphroditic).

Kink|Kinky - Refers to BDSM lifestyle and a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, bondage and discipline, and sadomasochism or sadism and masochism.


Lesbian – Term used to describe women attracted romantically, erotically, and/or emotionally to other women.


Info: LGBTQ Timeline

Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: LGBTQ Slang

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: Archaic LGBTQ Terminology

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

CNN: LGBTQ and Other Sexual Identity Terms Explained


LGBTQ|SOGI|GSM|DSG   -  Initialisms used as shorthand or umbrella terms for all folks who have a non-normative (or queer) gender or sexuality.  LGBTQ is Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer.  SOGI is Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.  GSM is Gender and Sexual Minorities.  DSG is Diverse Genders and Sexualities. 

Lipstick Lesbian – Usually refers to a lesbian with a feminine gender expression. Can be used in a positive or a derogatory way. Is sometimes also used to refer to a lesbian who is assumed to be (or passes for) straight.

Metrosexual – Man with a strong aesthetic sense who spends more time, energy, or money on his appearance and grooming than is considered gender normative.


MSM|WSW – Initialisms for "men who have sex with men" and "women who have sex with women," to distinguish sexual behaviors from sexual identities. Just because a man is straight, it doesn’t mean he’s not having sex with men. Objective (clinical) term often used in the field of HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment.

MTF|M2F –  Abbreviation for male-to-female transgender or transsexual person.


Mx – (Typically pronounced mix) Title that is gender neutral, replacing Mr, Ms, Miss, Mrs. It is often the option of choice for folks who do not identify within the cisgender binary.


Neutrois - Term meaning gender neutral.


Non-Binary - Spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or exclusively feminine. Identities that are outside the gender binary. Genderqueer, gender non-conforming, gender fluid.


Omnisexual – Person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions. Gender blind.  "Omni" means "all." (See: Pansexual)


Outing|Outed – Involuntary, unwanted, or unexpected disclosure of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity status.


Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

Info: Frequently Asked Questions

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Info: Outdated LGBTQ Terminology

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: LGBTQ Symbols


OWL - Older Wiser Lesbian.  Acronym, used informally to describe elderly gay women.  Slang expression referring to experienced lesbians who have personal insight of the history of the LGBTQ movement.


Pansexual – Person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions. Gender blind.  "Pan" means "all." (See: Omnisexual)

Passing – Term for transgender people being accepted as, or able to "pass for," a member of their self-identified gender/sex identity (regardless of birth sex).  Any gay/lesbian/queer individual who can is believed to be or perceived as straight.

Polyamory|Polyamorous– Refers to the practice of, desire to, or orientation towards having ethically, honest, consensually non-monogamous relationships (relationships that may include multiple partners). This may include open relationships or polyfidelity (which involves more than two people being in romantic and/or sexual relationships which is not open to additional partners). Slang: Poly.


Polysexual -  Person who who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of many gender identities/expressions. Person who incorporates many different kinds of sexualities. "Poly" means "Many."


PrEP - Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It is anti-HIV medication that keeps HIV negative people from becoming infected.


Preferred Gender Pronouns (PGP) - Opposite, different, or generic pronoun used by a person whose gender is fluid.  A man/male may prefer "she/her/hers" and a woman/female may prefer "he/him/his." Or a person may prefer the singular they by using "them/they/their."  Or they may prefer "ze/zem/zir."  Used to show respect to individuals and groups whose gender identity is non-binary, variant, non-conforming, or fluid.



Pride - Term referring to a variety of celebrations, demonstrations, presentations, and events (including parades, marches, festivals, and similar activities) to promote a sense of solidarity and community and to express pride and support. Additionally, the purpose of these events is to raise public awareness of LGBTQ issues and concerns; to protest injustice, inequality, and oppression; and to acknowledge and affirm LGBTQ accomplishments. 


Queer - Umbrella term referring to a broad range of orientations and identities that are not heterosexual or cisgender. Refers to sexual minorities, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual, gender variant, and more. Historically used as a derogatory term.


Queerplatonic|Quasiplatonic (QPR) - Intimate relationship, similar to friendship, that does not fit the traditional romantic couple model. It is characterized by a strong bond, love, and emotional commitment, yet is not perceived as romantic or more than a friendship. It is not about sexuality, eroticism, or exclusivity.


Questioning - Individual who is unsure about or is exploring their own sexual orientation or gender identity.  Same as Bicurious.

Romantic Attraction – Affinity to show affection or to engage in relational (interactive) intimate or behavior (flirting, dating, marriage) with another person.


Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Info: Outdated LGBTQ Terminology

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

LGBTQ Glossary




Same Gender Loving (SGL) – Term sometimes used by members of the Black/African-American community to express an alternative sexual orientation without relying on terms and symbols of European descent.

Sex (Identity) - Physical elements of one’s biology and anatomy. Person’s medical assignment (or label) as manifest through organs, genitals, hormones, and chromosomes.  A person might identify male or female. Or a person might be intersex (hermaphroditic).


Sex (Act) - Physical activity or behavior of an erotic, sensual, or carnal nature, including specifically sexual intercourse. Coitus, copulation.  Activity resulting in orgasm.  Includes vaginal, oral, anal, and manual forms.


Sexual Attraction – Affinity to engage in physical (carnal) intimate behavior (kissing, touching, intercourse) with another person.


Sexual Identity - Clinical umbrella term referring to sexual behavior that is used broadly (and objectively) to discuss sexual orientation, sexual attraction, and romantic orientation.



Info: LGBTQ History

Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: Famous LGBTQ People

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

LGBTQ Glossary

Info: LGBTQ Slang


Sexual Minority - Reference to any identity, orientation, lifestyle, or practice that doesn’t comply with the mainstream heterosexual or cisgender concept of normal sexual or gender behavior.


Sexual Orientation – Type of sexual, romantic, emotional/spiritual attraction one feels for others, often labeled based on the gender relationship between the person and the people they are attracted to. Persons may be heterosexual or homosexual.  Sexual orientation is innate, not chosen.

Sexual Preference – Types of interaction, stimulation, and gratification one likes to receive and participate in. Indicating one's favorite qualities, features, characteristics, arrangements, positions, activities, or lifestyles. Sexual preference connotes personal choice.

Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) – Term used by some medical professionals to refer to a group of surgical options that alter a person’s biological sex.  Also called Gender Confirmation Surgery. In most cases, one or multiple surgeries are required to achieve legal recognition of gender variance.  Surgical procedures are referred to as "top" surgery (breast augmentation/reduction) and "bottom" surgery (genital reconstruction). 

Skoliosexual – Attracted to genderqueer and transsexual people and expressions.  Attracted to people who don’t identify as cisgender.


Stud – Term most commonly used to indicate a Black/African-American and/or Latina masculine lesbian/queer woman. Also known as butch or aggressive.

Switch - Person involved in a sexual act who alternates between "top" (dominant) and "bottom" (submissive) roles.


They|Them|Their  -  Used as singular pronouns, these are gender neutral pronouns (used by transgender and genderqueer persons) that replace he/she, him/her, and his/hers.



Third Gender – Term for a person who does not identify with either man or woman, but identifies with another gender. This gender category is used by societies that recognize three or more genders, both contemporary and historic, and is also a conceptual term meaning different things to different people who use it, as a way to move beyond the gender binary.

Thrupple - Triad or threesome. Menage a trois. Sexual relationship involving three partners.


Top - Dominant person involved in a sexual act. Giver, pitcher.


Top Surgery – Term refers to surgery for the construction of a male-type chest or breast augmentation for a female-type chest.

Transgender - Umbrella term covering a range of identities that transgress socially defined gender norms.  A person who lives as a member of a gender other than that expected based on sex assigned at birth. Slang: Trans.

Transition|Transitioning  -  Term is primarily used to refer to the process a transgender person undergoes when changing their bodily appearance either to be more congruent with the gender/sex they feel themselves to be and/or to be in harmony with their preferred gender expression.

Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

Info: Archaic LGBTQ Terminology

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: LGBTQ Slang


Transman -  Identity label sometimes adopted by female-to-male (FTM) transgender people or transsexuals to signify that they are men while still affirming their history as assigned female sex at birth. 


Transwoman –  Identity label sometimes adopted by male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals or transgender people to signify that they are women while still affirming their history as assigned male sex at birth.

Transphobia –  Fear of, discrimination against, or hatred of transgender people, the transgender community, or gender ambiguity.


Transsexual –  Person who identifies psychologically as a gender/sex other than the one to which they were assigned at birth. Transsexuals often wish to transform their bodies hormonally and surgically to match their inner sense of gender/sex. Specific term typically used for post-operative transgender people. Archaic term.

Transvestite – Person who dresses as the binary opposite gender expression (cross-dresses) for any one of many reasons, including entertainment, relaxation, fun, and sexual gratification.  Often called a cross-dresser or drag queen.

Triad - Arrangement or structure of a polyamorous relationship.  Sometimes referred to as a thrupple.


Two-Spirit –  Umbrella term traditionally used by Native American (indigenous) people to recognize individuals who possess qualities or fulfill roles of both genders.


Ze|Zem|Zir  -  Gender neutral neopronouns (used by transgender and genderqueer persons) that replace he/she, him/her, and his/hers.


Wikipedia: Sexual Orientation Terminology

OK2BME: What Does LGBTQ Mean?

Words the LGBTQ Community Has Reclaimed (And Some We Haven't)

Defining LGBTQ Words for Elementary School Students

Info: LGBTQ History

We Are Family: Glossary of LGBTQ Terms

LGBTQ Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2022

UC Davis: LGBTQ Glossary of Terms

Info: LGBTQ Symbols

Scarleteen: Glossary of Sexual Terms

Info: Archaic LGBTQ Terminology

Kids Help Line: LGBTQ Ultimate Dictionary

CNN: LGBTQ and Other Sexual Identity Terms Explained



QUEER CAFE │ LGBTQ Information Network │ Established 2017