Serious Political Concern


Current Events



Tragic Events

Hate Crimes



Donald Trump: Despotic Madman


As the GOP more and more begins to be equal to DJT, they are losing their credibility as a legitimate political party. Much to their profound shame and eternal embarrassment, republicans are now identified as book burners, election deniers, liars, bigots, misogynists, fascists, and traitors. They defend the immorality and criminal behavior of a despotic madman and gleefully endorse the candidacy of a complete moron.

Regardless of your political affiliation, you must look at the facts and reality of the current situation in our country. Whether you are conservative or liberal, whether you like Biden or not, you must look objectively at trump and see the truth of his character.

Trump is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. He is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent. He is a bigot and a fascist. He is a criminal. He is a sick, pathological, narcissistic, despotic madman with nefarious intentions.


He abused his power as president and he plans to do it again. He used his position for personal gain. He has obstructed justice at every turn. He has broken the law multiple times and plans to do it again. He completely mismanaged the covid crisis and caused millions of deaths. He has pardoned real criminals and has attacked innocent citizens. He has given huge tax breaks to the wealthy and cut benefits to the working class. He has violated the rights of women, children, blacks, minorities, gays, and the disabled. He has disrespected veterans and the military. He has colluded with foreign agents. He has compromised national security. He incited an insurrection. He is a traitor to his country.

He is entirely self-serving and egotistical and only cares about himself. He has zero regard for the American people and no concern for serving the needs of US citizens. None of his dimwitted supporters have even noticed that he has not uttered a single word about how he plans to help the average American.

Currently, on the campaign trail, his rhetoric is becoming more fascist and authoritarian. He is paying homage to Hitler, Putin, and other dictators. He has made countless anti-democratic and un-American remarks.

He is a clear and present danger. He must be stopped in his tracks. He deserves to be in prison.

Trump and His Team of Felons!
Ken Burns Speaks Out About Trump
Walking Talking National Threat

Forty-Five: Randy Rainbow Song Parody

ACLU: Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity

Naked Political Corruption of the GOP is Destroying US Democracy
MAGA Fan Lists Trumps Accolades
God Made a Dictator

Far Right Christian Nationalist Theocracy
The Threat from Trump Today Is Worse Than on January 6th
Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden


BREAKING NEWS: Trump Found Guilty on 34 Counts

Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon


Former President Donald Donald was found guilty on all 34 felony charges related to hush money payments and falsifying business records. He is the first US president to be convicted of any crime. He faces three other pending criminal cases.

His sentencing is scheduled for July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where the twice-impeached Trump is set to be formally confirmed as the GOP’s presidential nominee.

Trump, who was also recently found liable in a sexual assault and defamation case, remains free without bail and faces a maximum possible punishment of four years in prison for each count. Trump is certain to appeal the verdict.


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements


There is No Real Choice


Ken Burns, American Historian and Filmmaker

Commencement Address at Brandeis University, May 2024,


Transcript: Ken Burns' Commencement Address at Brandeis University, May 2024

Video: Ken Burns' Commencement Address at Brandeis University, May 2024

If I have learned anything over those years, it's that there's only us. There is no them. And whenever someone suggests to you, whomever it may be in your life that there's a them, run away. Othering is the simplistic binary way to make and identify enemies, but it is also the surest way to your own self imprisonment, which brings me to a moment I've dreaded and forces me to suspend my longstanding attempt at neutrality.

There is no real choice this November. There is only the perpetuation, however flawed and feeble you might perceive it, of our fragile 249-year-old experiment or the entropy that will engulf and destroy us if we take the other route.

When, as Mercy Otis Warren would say, "The checks of conscience are thrown aside and a deformed picture of the soul is revealed." The presumptive Republican nominee is the opioid of all opioids, an easy cure for what some believe is the solution to our myriad pains and problems.

When in fact with him, you end up re-enslaved with an even bigger problem, a worse affliction and addiction, "a bigger delusion", James Baldwin would say, the author and finisher of our national existence, our national suicide as Mr. Lincoln prophesies. Do not be seduced by easy equalization. There is nothing equal about this equation. We are at an existential crossroads in our political and civic lives. This is a choice that could not be clearer.


Project 2025: Blueprint for Oppression of LGBTQ Americans

What Could Be

Trump the Dictator by Robert Reich

Trump’s Nationalism Puts the World in Grave Danger: What This Country Needs is a Patriot
CNN: Trump Quotes Putin, Calls Biden Threat to Democracy, Reiterates Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric
C-Span: Donald Trump Says President Biden a Threat to Democracy, Quotes Putin and Orban
Trump Rhetoric Branded as Disgusting
Trump Didn’t Break America, He Revealed Our Brokenness
Donald Trump Has Brought On Countless Controversies In An Unlikely Campaign
Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody


History Repeating


Please, everyone, for the sake of our country, pick up a history book or watch a documentary or movie about what happened in Germany during the early 1930s. Because, it's about to happen again. And this time, in America...

Donald Trump is a great admirer of Adolph Hitler. And what he is currently doing in America mirrors what Hitler was doing in the early 1930s in Germany. We are seeing very clearly the early warning signs of fascism and a candidate who is setting the stage for authoritarian rule.
Like Hitler, Trump has disdain for human rights... employs racist, sexist rhetoric... identifies enemies and scapegoats... blames foreigners for poisoning the country... vilifies the media... takes no responsibility and overreacts to criticism... is obsessed with national security... mixes religion and government... protects corporate power while suppressing labor power... rewards the wealthy at the expense of the working class... expresses love for other dictators... launches massive disinformation campaigns... is obsessed with retribution and revenge... fosters rampant cronyism and corruption... disdains education, science, research, and the arts... seeks to tamper with the elections and blames the other side...

Like all dictators, Donald Trump is cowardly, weak, and insecure. He is arrogant, selfish, and narcissistic. He claims everyone loves him and nobody is greater than he is. The truth is that he is profoundly ignorant and incompetent. And all of his vicious and vindictive actions are an attempt to compensate for his personal failures.



Trump's Ramped-Up Rhetoric: Violence and Authoritarianism
WBUR: Trump is a Clear and Present Danger

NPR: Why Trump's Authoritarian Language About 'Vermin' Matters Would-Be Dictator: Trump Has Authoritarian Interests
ABC: Trump's Vow to be a Dictator on Day One Follows Growing Worry Over his Authoritarian Rhetoric

Trump Pushes Authoritarian Agenda for Second Term
PBS: Trump’s Violent and Authoritarian Rhetoric Raises New Concerns

C-Span: Donald Trump on Illegal Immigrants: Poisoning the Blood of Our Country



To Be President of the United States

According to The US Constitution...

According to our Constitution there are only three qualifications for any person seeking to become the President... and, prepare yourself, these requirements are pretty stringent...

The candidate must be at least 35 years of age... they must be a natural born citizen... and they must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

How underwhelming and unimpressive. Are you aware of any job with qualifications that are any more innocuous, useless, inane, and pointless? Surely we expect more of the person who serves in this important role?

What do you think? Perhaps it's time to revise the Constitution to include a few more requirements? Maybe we should add a little more substance to the job description... Maybe we should say something about educational credentials, knowledge in specific subject matter, experience with certain leadership functions, relevant skills, stable disposition, integrity, and stuff like that.

Oh, and, I dunno, maybe there are certain traits that might disqualify a candidate?

Imagine having such low expectations for a candidate and then leaving all the really important elements to chance.

Call me crazy, but until such time as we spell it out, it somehow does not seem right that a convicted felon can serve as the US President.
It also does not seem right that a presidential candidate could be...

--a convicted sex offender
--an inciter of insurrection
--a two-time impeached government official
--a mismanager of a public health crisis
--a committer of fraud
--an obstructor of justice
--a denier of science, education, and research
--an election rigger
--a disinformation distributer
--a colluder with foreign agents
--a mishandler of government documents
--an abuser of public office
--a sympathizer of white supremacists
--an admirer of fascist dictators
--a vilifier of women, minorities, and immigrants
--a mocker of US military generals, veterans, and POWs
--a possesser of absolutely no leadership qualities
--a pathological liar


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements


BREAKING NEWS: Trump Bribery Scheme Exposed

According to The Washington Post...

Donald Trump held a private meeting with Big Oil executives last month, during which he asked them to give him a $1 billion donation to his campaign. In return, he told them he would lower their taxes and rollback Biden's climate regulations and clean energy programs. Such transaction is nothing less than bribery. Trump essentially told them, "If you will raise a billion dollars for me, I will get rid of the regulations you want."



Project 2025: Blueprint for Oppression of LGBTQ Americans

What Could Be

Trump the Dictator by Robert Reich

Trump’s Nationalism Puts the World in Grave Danger: What This Country Needs is a Patriot
CNN: Trump Quotes Putin, Calls Biden Threat to Democracy, Reiterates Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric
C-Span: Donald Trump Says President Biden a Threat to Democracy, Quotes Putin and Orban
Trump Rhetoric Branded as Disgusting
Trump Didn’t Break America, He Revealed Our Brokenness
Donald Trump Has Brought On Countless Controversies In An Unlikely Campaign


Trump’s Nationalism Puts the World in Grave Danger: What this Country Needs is a Patriot

“My first acts as your next President will be to Close the Border, Drill Baby Drill, and Free the January 6 Hostages who were wrongfully imprisoned!”

-Donald Trump, March 2024

The imprisoned January 6th insurrectionists are neither “hostages” nor are they, as Trump has called them, “patriots.” All those jailed were tried and convicted in legitimate and independent houses of justice with qualified and non-partisan jurists.

Patriots do not attack police officers who are doing their job by protecting human life and property under their charge. Patriots do not wedge and smash police officers between doors. Patriots do not attempt to gauge out the eyes of the people who honorably serve to maintain law and order.

Patriots do not shout racist and anti-semitic rants, call for the hanging of the Vice President of the United States, call for the murder of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, or attempt to intimidate and injure elected officials and their staff.

Patriots do not defecate on the floors and walls of the national Capitol, the people’s house.

Hostages are generally innocent bystanders who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time as opposed to insurrectionists whose intent is to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.



Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements


“Nationalism is not the same as patriotism. It’s a perversion of patriotism. Nationalism, the belief system held by those who attacked us [referring to a fictional terrorist attack by white supremacists], promotes the idea that inclusion and diversity represent weakness, that the only way to succeed is to give blind allegiance to the supremacy of one race over all others.”

-Téa Leoni as Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord in “Madam Secretary”

The 50 stars and 13 strips on our flag represent a collective image of the United States of America, of E Pluribus Unum (“from many, one”). In this regard, Merriam-Webster defines “patriotism” as “a love for or devotion to one’s country,” and “nationalism” as “loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially: a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups. ”

Donald Trump embraced the term “nationalism” in a speech on October 23, 2018, during his presidency: “A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much. And you know what? We can’t have that,” he said. “You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist. And I say, really, we’re not supposed to use that word. You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK? I’m a nationalist. Nationalist. Nothing – use that word. Use that word.”

It is commonly known that Trump rarely reads, and his grounding in history is virtually non-existent. But a qualification to serve as the President of the United States involves at least a basic grasp of world history. Ignorance on the part of the most powerful person on the planet can result in catastrophe.



His close ties to John Bolton and Steve Bannon – two self-described “nationalists” – demonstrated by association his deep familiarity with the term.

Donald Trump based his motto of “Make America Great Again” on his notion of “America first.”

Historically, the “America First” movement was organized in the late 1930s and ended in 1941 as the leading isolationist pressure group for non-intervention in WWII. It advocated for an impregnable defense around the United States to keep the country strong and safe from outsiders, an ideology Trump has embraced.

The America First movement was highly controversial for the anti-semitic and pro-fascist views of some of its most prominent speakers, leaders, and members.

German nationalism, for example, resulted in the Second World War and was constructed by a party and its leader who manipulated a fearful and angry population to scapegoat others – the Jews – for the nation’s severe economic problems.

Donald Trump’s march to the White House continues to center on promoting a form of extreme nationalism (jingoism, chauvinism) intent on exciting xenophobic, racist, and antisemitic fears and ideologies.

His appeals to “nationalism” (with isolationism, building walls, and talk of “shithole countries”) is presented in the guise of “popularism” and intended to feed on people’s fears and prejudices. These efforts have resulted in the segregation of people and nations from one another, along with threats and violence. Trump continues to attack and separate from long-established allies while showing obsessive admiration for tyrannical dictators.


Trump and His Team of Felons!

Ken Burns Speaks Out About Trump
Walking Talking National Threat

Forty-Five: Randy Rainbow Song Parody

ACLU: Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity

Naked Political Corruption of the GOP is Destroying US Democracy

MAGA Fan Lists Trumps Accolades

God Made a Dictator

Far Right Christian Nationalist Theocracy

Of Course Donald Trump is a Fascist: Let’s Count the Ways
Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden

His invitation and meeting with Hungarian strongman president, Viktor Orbán, at Mar-a-Lago on March 8, 2024, attests to his admiration for and quest to embody the authoritarianism of Orbán and Trump’s other besties: Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Among his tyrannical and xenophobic actions, Orbán has blocked the independent press and has called for the creation of Hungary as a homogenous nation by banning asylum seekers and other non-Hungarian refugees (no E Pluribus Unum wanted there).

“We must state that we do not want to be diverse,” he said in a 2018 speech. “We do not want our own color, traditions, and national culture to be mixed with those of others.”

Echoing these exact sentiments, Trump recently railed that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

“Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now with the influx of immigrants,” he said. “It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.”

Trump is now bilingual, having learned strongmen speak along with his scant facility with English.

And Orbán, Putin, and Kim look on and maybe even add pointers as Trump vows to roll back even further many of the rights and protections marginalized peoples have tirelessly fought for over the past decades: reproductive rights, voting rights, citizenship rights, human rights, anti-torture guarantees, immigrant rights, rights of unreasonable search and seizure, rights of assembly, disability rights, freedom of religion, transgender rights, marriage equality and equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Like other nationalist authoritarians have done, Trump scapegoated folks of already disenfranchised identities (and then some) as the internal and external enemies of the United States: Muslims and anyone from Muslim-majority countries, Mexicans and all Latinx people, urban “thugs,” the press, Somalis, President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Democrats, the ACLU, immigrants, anyone who disagrees with the 45th President, Robert Mueller and his panel of investigators, Antifa, a supposed “angry liberal mob,” and even his own loyal vice president.

“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country,” he told a New Hampshire crowd in November 2023.


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements

At the most recent CPAC (Conservation Political Action Conference) meeting held at the end of February and supported by the group USA Next, Trump advisor Stephen Moore asserted that “one of the most evil left-wing organizations in America is the AARP [American Association for Retired Persons], the largest organization protecting the rights of seniors.

What? Is it that the AARP lobbies for the protection of entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, programs that Republicans perennially attempt to put on the chopping block?

Trump resents and attacks the political, media, and intellectual “elites” to the point of instigating scorn and harassment of the “elite media” covering Trump rallies. And his near-obsessive calls for “law and order” involve draconian (and unconstitutional) measures of surveillance, torture, and arrest.

Trump fanned the flames of controversy to a “white”-hot intensity over Colin Kaepernick and the movement he spawned in taking a knee during the National Anthem at NFL games to highlight the deplorable treatment of people of color in our nation, and specifically, the deadly police actions taken against unarmed men of color.

As is the case with other “nationalist” leaders, Trump deployed his adult children and son-in-law as close trusted political operatives, who met with visiting diplomats and traveled to foreign capitals to negotiate political and business deals, plus his continuously unresolved conflict-of-interest issues and “emoluments” breeches between his position as President and his worldwide business interests, with so many probes into corruption it has become a common occurrence.

Donald Trump certainly is no patriot.

[Source: Warren J. Blumenfeld, LGBTQ Nation, March 2024]



Fact Checking Trump’s Presidential Bid Announcement
False and Misleading Statements by Donald Trump
Donald Trump Election Lies Listed in his Georgia Indictment
The Biggest Lies of Trump’s Presidency

Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody


Corruption of the Republican Party


Naked Political Corruption of the GOP Is Destroying US Democracy


"Corruption, the greatest single bane of our society today. Public office is supposed to be a public trust. This is a clear sign of the rampant corruption at the highest levels of the Republican leadership."
-Bob Etheridge

"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see that corruption has been imputed to many members of Congress, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office."
-Andrew Jackson

"It breaks my heart that a culture of corruption has overtaken Republicans in the Congress. And I say this as someone who has been a lifelong Republican."
-Liz Cheney

 Lacking any core beliefs or principles other than obeisance to billionaires and the fossil fuel industry, the GOP has become one giant grift, trying at every turn to convert whatever is in front of it into money, power, or both. Corruption is now officially the GOP’s brand. The ideals of America are, to them, nothing more than a joke.

A former employee of Rudy Giuliani, who was hired to help him drum up business for his law firm, has sworn under oath and penalty of perjury that he told her one of the “business opportunities” she could exploit was to sell pardons to felons for $2 million each. Giuliani, she alleges, told her he’d be splitting the money with Trump 50/50.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made $640 million while working in the Trump White House, and then apparently sold U.S. intelligence and their defense of the Khashoggi murder to the Saudis for over $2 billion the month after Trump left office.

Trump himself took “a huge amount of money” from the Saudis, laundered through the LIV Golf Tournament they began when Joe Biden became president. At the same time, he continues to mimic Putin’s positions on everything from Ukraine and NATO to their shared dislike of liberal democracy.

This is what the Republican Party has come to. All while essentially telling the rest of us Americans to go screw ourselves. They really don’t appear to care how many of our kids die from guns, how many of our queer children die from suicide, or how many women die from pregnancy.

Since five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court legalized political bribery with their Citizens United decision, lobbyists and right-wing billionaires are bestowing cash, campaign donations, dark money, and luxury trips on members of Congress and state legislatures.


Last year, federal lobbyists spent over $4 billion showering gifts and attention on Congress, while over at the Supreme Court billionaire interests are similarly indulging Republican appointees.


Leonard Leo, who parlayed his assembly line of hard-right and neofascist judges into $1.65 billion, was recently revealed to have been secretly funneling cash from a group with business before the Court straight into Ginni Thomas’s pocket.

He’s alleged to have laundered at least $100,000 from the Judicial Education Project (JEP) to Mrs. Thomas through Kellyanne Conway’s polling company way back in 2012, asking her to make sure there was “No mention of Ginni, of course.” The JEP was, at the time, arguing in an amicus brief before the Supreme Court that the justices should use the Shelby County v. Holder case to gut the Voting Rights Act.

Her husband, Clarence Thomas, not only did not recuse himself from the case: he cast the tie-breaking vote in Shelby County that allowed Republicans nationwide to go on a decades-long spree of voter suppression directed largely against Black people.


Billionaire Harlan Crow was allegedly an early innovator in the effort to corrupt the Supreme Court, hooking up with the Thomas family back in the 1990s after Clarence was put on the Court by President George H.W. Bush. He’s since bestowed upon the couple millions of dollars’ worth of gifts, including luxury vacations, Frederick Douglass’s bible, Clarence’s mother’s home, and tuition to a high-end school for the child the couple was raising as their own.

Sam Alito takes luxury “speaking trips” to Europe, Brett “Beer Bong” Kavanaugh gets his debts and credit cards paid off, Amy Coney Barrett won’t recuse herself from cases before the Court involving her father’s employer, and John Roberts’s wife earns over $10 million helping get friendly lawyers into top-drawer law firms that sometimes argue before the Court. All can claim huge speaking fees from right-wing groups, often totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

President Jimmy Carter said: “Citizens United violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president… So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”


So, when do we officially declare that the GOP has killed America? Black people are afraid to vote, the Supreme Court is corrupted, three presidential elections were stolen through treason, one Republican president tried to overthrow our democracy and is now running for reelection, another lied us into two needless and criminal wars, and President Ronald Reagan begin the process of gutting the middle class and establishing an overlord oligarchy. As a result, even the basic infrastructure of a modern republic—our schools and healthcare system—no longer works for average people.

Climate change is killing thousands of Americans every year, and the numbers are climbing. Working people struggle to pay their bills because the GOP refuses to raise the minimum wage, the rights of women are under attack in states controlled by Republicans, and our kids are dying in an epidemic of suicide at the hands of massive, unregulated GOP-leaning social media companies.

In November 2024, we’ll have what may well be our last chance to reclaim the values of democracy, pluralism, and egalitarianism that have animated this country since her founding. And nobody can say they weren’t warned about the stakes.

[Source: Thom Hartmann, Common Dreams, May 2023]


Trump's Ramped-Up Rhetoric: Violence and Authoritarianism
WBUR: Trump is a Clear and Present Danger

NPR: Why Trump's Authoritarian Language About 'Vermin' Matters

Would-Be Dictator: Trump Has Authoritarian Interests
ABC: Trump's Vow to be a Dictator on Day One Follows Growing Worry Over his Authoritarian Rhetoric

Donald Trump: The Muppet Show Mashup
Trump Pushes Authoritarian Agenda for Second Term
PBS: Trump’s Violent and Authoritarian Rhetoric Raises New Concerns

C-Span: Donald Trump on Illegal Immigrants: Poisoning the Blood of Our Country

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody



Moral Crisis


Would you end a friendship over politics?


The crisis in our country today is not about politics. Let's be clear. This is not a normal election. There is nothing normal about what is happening here.

We are in the midst of a serious moral crisis. This is a matter of right and wrong. Your choice in this election is for democracy or fascism.
Unlike in the past, this election is not about differing points of view. It is not about a healthy discussion between two sides that have different perspectives. It is not a civil dialogue between two parties who agree to disagree.

Don't be fooled into thinking you are being impolite and disrespectful when you say that this election is about right and wrong. It is crucial that we stand up and speak out and say what needs to be said: The republicans are wrong. Not different. Not an alternative. Not another option. Just plain and simple wrong.

There is no room for compromise or tolerance on this issue. The republican platform is one of treason. They intend to dismantle the constitution. They seek to scrap democracy. They plan to attack women's rights, queer rights, and minority rights. They will continue to suppress books, education, science, and research and replace it with a disinformation campaign of ignorance and bigotry.

I have no respect for anyone who supports trump and the maga republicans.


[Source: QC Commentary, March 2024]


Trump and His Team of Felons!

Ken Burns Speaks Out About Trump
Walking Talking National Threat

Forty-Five: Randy Rainbow Song Parody

ACLU: Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity

Naked Political Corruption of the GOP is Destroying US Democracy

MAGA Fan Lists Trumps Accolades

God Made a Dictator

Far Right Christian Nationalist Theocracy

Of Course Donald Trump is a Fascist: Let’s Count the Ways
Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden


Donald Trump: Friend of Putin


BREAKING NEWS:  Donald Trump has said he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s NATO allies whom he considers to have not met their financial obligations. He said he would encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member country.

Trump Says He Gave NATO Allies Warning: Pay In or He’d Urge Russian Aggression. Trump said as president he had told NATO allies that he would urge Russian aggression against countries that had not met unofficial financial commitments.


The Joe Biden White House immediately rebuked Trump’s comments, saying in a statement: “Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged – and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home.”


Ret Genl Wesley Clark, Former NATO Commander responded to Trump's remarks: "It is the kind of statement that can only come from a deranged and twisted mind. I do not say this lightly: The lives of every American, both in uniform and civilian, are at severe risk if Donald Trump wins this election."

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary-general, also lambasted Trump’s comments. “NATO remains ready and able to defend all allies,” Stoltenberg said in a statement. “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk. I expect that regardless of who wins the presidential election the US will remain a strong and committed NATO ally."


Former British defense minister Tobias Ellwood offered his opinion: “It's arguably the most irresponsible comment that any former president has made on international security."

President Joe Biden said that Trump “is making it clear that he will abandon our NATO allies” and outlined the potential consequences of Trump’s comments. “Trump’s admission that he intends to give Putin a greenlight for more war and violence, to continue his brutal assault against a free Ukraine, and to expand his aggression to the people of Poland and the Baltic States are appalling and dangerous,” Biden said in a statement via his campaign.


Project 2025: Blueprint for Oppression of LGBTQ Americans

What Could Be

Trump the Dictator by Robert Reich

Trump’s Nationalism Puts the World in Grave Danger: What This Country Needs is a Patriot

CNN: Trump Quotes Putin, Calls Biden Threat to Democracy, Reiterates Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric
C-Span: Donald Trump Says President Biden a Threat to Democracy, Quotes Putin and Orban
Trump Rhetoric Branded as Disgusting

Trump Didn’t Break America, He Revealed Our Brokenness
Donald Trump Has Brought On Countless Controversies In An Unlikely Campaign



Donald Trump: Enemy of the People


Most political, spiritual, and national leaders mark Christmas with reverence and a plea for peace, or by stressing the virtues of family and unity. But, that’s not Donald Trump’s style.  Instead, Trump unleashed a torrent of fury and bitterness. His holiday message took aim at his enemies and was littered with insults, name-calling, and false claims.  Here's the unholy central theme of Donald Trump's official Christmas message...  "May they all rot in hell!"

Donald Trump, twice-impeached and under FBI investigation, is seeking a second term as president.  Even with 91 felony counts and mounting legal problems, his supporters do not seem to see that he is unfit for office. Furthermore, they fail to understand that Trump intends to reign as a dictator.


In the style of Hitler and Mussolini, former President Donald Trump is attacking his political opponents in campaign speeches. Historians have suggested that trump's ramped-up rhetoric echoes authoritarian leaders of the past.


Trump has routinely praised foreign dictators, including Russian president Vladimir Putin, North Korean premiere Kim Jong Un, Turkish president Erdogan, and Chinese president Xi Jinping.  He not only admires them, he brags about having close personal relations with them. He regards them as friends.  Trump, it would appear, identifies with their governing style and seeks to be a authoritarian dictator himself.


As a candidate who aspires to the role of dictator, Trump is a real danger to our country, a menace to our society, a profound internal threat. And Americans must wake up the pure and simple fact that Donald Trump is the enemy of the people.




Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements


"Trump is the most flawed person I know. The depths of his dishonesty are astounding."

-General John Kelly, Trump's Former Chief of Staff


Donald Trump has been branded “disgusting” and “worse by the day” by Republican rival Chris Christie. Trump was also rebuked by the White House for “echoing the grotesque rhetoric of fascists and violent white supremacists” and “threatening to oppress those who disagree with the government.”


Ruth Ben-Ghiat, NYU History Professional comments on Trump's disturbing behavior: "Fascists and authoritarians always want to do two things: They want to change the way that people see violence, making it into something necessary and patriotic and even morally righteous, and they want to change the way people see their targets. And so they use dehumanizing language. And former President Trump is doing both. He's been using his rallies since 2015 to shift the idea of violence into something positive. And now he's starting to use dehumanizing rhetoric, all these groups who live like vermin. And this is what the original fascists did. Hitler started talking about Jews as parasites in 1920."

More and more you can hear Trump mimic Nazi propaganda. He referred to his detractors as "vermin," a term regularly used by Hitler. He referred to undocumented immigrants as "poisoning the blood of our country."


In a recent rally in New Hampshire, Trump said, "We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, they will do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream."  He has threatened to use the power of the presidency against his political opponents, including President Biden and Biden's family.


"When you look cases, when you look at the verdicts and the judgements, it's clear that the common thread that runs through all of them is Donald Trump's lack of willingness to abide by the law, lack of commitment to the truth, and fundamental lack of character."
-Liz Cheney (R), Former US Representative



Trump's Ramped-Up Rhetoric: Violence and Authoritarianism
WBUR: Trump is a Clear and Present Danger

NPR: Why Trump's Authoritarian Language About 'Vermin' Matters

Would-Be Dictator: Trump Has Authoritarian Interests
ABC: Trump's Vow to be a Dictator on Day One Follows Growing Worry Over his Authoritarian Rhetoric

Donald Trump: The Muppet Show Mashup
Trump Pushes Authoritarian Agenda for Second Term
PBS: Trump’s Violent and Authoritarian Rhetoric Raises New Concerns

C-Span: Donald Trump on Illegal Immigrants: Poisoning the Blood of Our Country

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody


Trump will do to the LGBTQ community what Hitler did to the Jewish community


And he subsequently prompted further outrage at a gathering in Reno, Nevada, by comparing himself to the “great” Chicago Mafia boss Al Capone, griping that he has been indicted on more occasions than the notorious mobster. “Did anybody ever hear of the great great Al Capone, head of the mafia? He was a rough guy. I heard he was indicted once, but I was indicted four times.”


This notion of "rooting out" the vermin" is a common authoritarian theme. It is the rhetoric of dictators who are set on establishing a police state.  Make no mistake, nobody will be immune from the totalitarian rule of a despotic, narcissistic madman.

As a would-be dictator Trump is trying to change the view of violence. Since 2015, he has been using his rallies and campaign events for radicalizing people. And he started saying things like, "In the old days, we used to hurt people. The problem is, Americans don't hurt each other anymore."


Steven Levitsky, Professor of political Science at Harvard University, adds his warning: "The Republican Party is now clearly an authoritarian party. It embraces, condones, accepts, and promotes political violence and does not accept electoral defeat. Their glorification of the January 6 insurrection proves that they are okay with a violent seizure of power.  If they can't win elections fairly, they would rather end democracy."


Fact Checking Trump’s Presidential Bid Announcement
False and Misleading Statements by Donald Trump
Donald Trump Election Lies Listed in his Georgia Indictment
The Biggest Lies of Trump’s Presidency

Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody



"Donald Trump would be the greatest threat to American democracy if reelected president."

-Liz Cheney

Trump is now going into a new phase of openly dehumanizing his targets so as to lessen the taboos against his future use of violence. Has expressed his plans for mass deportations, mass imprisonments, and giant camps. He is trying to make people less sensitive to violence, either committing it themselves or tolerating it.  The reason he's using this dehumanizing rhetoric now is to prepare people for his eventual dictatorship.

Trump has called himself a very proud election denier. It's been three years since he lost that 2020 contest. And we know he has still not conceded.  And we know also where the majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters stand in recent polls as recently as August: 69 percent of Republicans and Republican leaders say that Biden's win was not legitimate.


Trump, who once proclaimed, "I am the chosen one," has now also said, "I am your voice. I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution."  And he is quick to add, "And, I will wield my power very aggressively."  He has even go so far as to clearly proclaim that he will be a "dictator on day one."


Like Hitler, Trump has called the press the enemy of the people. Like Hitler, Trump used racism to rise to power.  Like Hitler, Trump proposed mass deportation.  Hitler was an anti-Jew fascist.  Trump is an anti-Muslim nationalist.  Hitler promised to make Germany great again, while Trump promised to make America great again.  Trump blamed the Jews for Germany's problems.  Trump blames immigrants for the country's problems.  Like Hitler, Trump conducts political rallies year-round as a way to indoctrinate the masses. Hitler suspended the rule of law and Trump has continually ignored and obstructed the rule of law.  Like Hitler, Trump has packed the courts with extremist judges.


"I am the chosen one... I am your voice. I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution. And, I will wield my power very aggressively."

-Donald Trump




Trump and His Team of Felons!

Ken Burns Speaks Out About Trump
Walking Talking National Threat

Forty-Five: Randy Rainbow Song Parody

ACLU: Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity

Naked Political Corruption of the GOP is Destroying US Democracy

God Made a Dictator

Far Right Christian Nationalist Theocracy

Of Course Donald Trump is a Fascist: Let’s Count the Ways

Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden


"A narcissist wants the authority of a king, while having the accountability of a toddler."


The only thing worse than Donald Trump, are the many supporters of Donald Trump. Among some Republicans, there are supporters of Trump's agenda and those who are emulating his dictatorial style. We need to be very wary of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and especially Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.  Even Michael Flynn and Sen. Tommy Tuberville have uttered some dangerous remarks in support of Trump and the need for an authoritarian state.


Trump has been impeached twice. He has lost the popular vote twice. He has been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation. He is the first former president to be criminally indicted, and the first to be federally indicted. He is under at least two other criminal investigations.

And beyond every out-of-touch, offensive, or even blatantly wrong thing Trump has said, the former president’s legacy is also connected to many of the crises of our time. With disastrous train derailments coming one after another, we are reminded that Trump deregulated the railroad industry and defanged environmental protection agencies. Amid the crash of institutions like Silicon Valley Bank, we are reminded that Trump’s own rollback of Obama-era Dodd-Frank regulations helped widen the doors to such a collapse. And amid attacks on basic civil rights, we are reminded that Trump helped ratchet up such viciousness.

Nevertheless, despite all of this—the social disharmony, the material suffering, even just the fact that this all hurts Republicans electorally—scores of Republicans are already endorsing Trump’s third consecutive bid for the White House anyways. In basic terms, these Republicans are signing off on, and even encouraging, more of the above.


“President Trump is an absolute threat to our democracy. His CEO-style dominance, his refusal to respect laws and precedent, his passion for revenge, manipulation, and outright dishonesty, make him a danger to the very Constitution that we Americans have fought and died for. He has maintained his overseas business dealings, taking money from foreign powers in ways that conflict with his duties as President; he has used government activities to direct business to his private real estate holdings; he has bent the Attorney General to becoming his personal lawyer to defend his personal misdeeds, he has used his power to pardon for his personal protection; and loaded his Administration with officeholders who took advantage of their positions for personal gain. It is difficult to find in American history a more corrupt Administration. And now he repeatedly refuses to say that he will respect the outcome of the election.”
-General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO




Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements


"We're all so tired. We're tired of people pretending he's not an idiot. We're tired of his lies. We're tired of his sickening amorality. We're tired of his face, his voice, his smirk. We're tired of his inability to say even one thing remotely kind or humble or appropriate, ever."
-Democratic Coalition, Never Trump


Meanwhile, some moderate, clear-headed Republicans, like  Liz Chaney, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitt Romney are vocal critics of Trump. We need to listen to them.  They have spoken out against Trump and issued their warnings.


Liz Chaney says that trump is "unfit for any office" and that he "poses a grave threat."  She goes on to say, "Donald Trump would be the greatest threat to American democracy if reelected president."  She described her Republican colleagues as, "defending the indefensible."  she proclaimed, "There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."  Condemning her former colleagues and party leaders as “enablers and collaborators,” who after the 2020 election were “willing to violate their oath to the Constitution out of political expediency and loyalty to Donald Trump.” Finally, Chaney exclaimed, "Everyone has been warned."


David, Jolly, a former Republican Congressman, offered this perspective: "There are, in today's Republican party, spineless politicians who are rotten to the core. They are without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self-respect or self reflection.  They are with courage and without the moral compass to recognize there own malevolence."

Paul Ryan describes Trump as a "populist authoritarian narcissist." Adam Kinzinger describes Trump as "pure evil."  And he says the Republican party is on a "slide to authoritarianism."  Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper believes Trump is a “threat to democracy."  And former White House national security adviser John Bolton has said Trump is “unfit” for office.


White House chief of staff John Kelly can barely contain his visceral contempt for the former president, saying, "Trump is the most flawed person I know. The depths of his dishonesty are astounding."  The more radical Trump became, the more willing Kelly became to condemn his former boss, accusing Trump of, among other things, “poisoning” people’s minds. Kelly later said publicly that Trump has “serious character issues” and is not “a real man.”

Other Republicans who once worked for Trump have also offered their insights:



"What Nixon did was just an ordinary crime.  What Trump has done is quite arguably the worst crime against the United States a president could commit."

-J. Michael Luttig, Former US Federal Judge


Americans need to wake up top the reality of our current situation. Trump does does have the best interests of our country in mind. He is only concerned with himself. We need to look past party affiliation and ideological bias and look rationally at the actions and rhetoric of Donald Trump. Moreover, we need to gather our senses and cease being gullible. We need to quit being swayed by the charismatic verbiage of a liar whose intentions are self-serving, nefarious, ulterior, self-serving, and destructive.


Geoff Duncan, Former Lt. Gov of Georgia (Republican), testified against Trump in the election tampering case. He issued this dire warning:  "If we, as Republicans, don't use this moment of insanity as a pivot point for the party, then shame on us. This is an opportunity for Republicans to come out and boldly state that not only is Donald Trump wrong, not only has he lied to us, but it's time for him to get out of the race. It's not good for the party, but more importantly it's not good for this country. Quite honestly, if Trump is the Republican presidential nominee, it would be the biggest mistake our party has ever made.  If Trump is elected, it would be a disaster for this country and the world for somebody this small-minded to have that much control. It is time to clear the air and get the facts on the table. Republicans need to stop believing Donald Trump and his long list of lies."


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements



Retired US Navy Admiral William McRaven was direct in his assessment of Trump: "Through his actions, Trump has embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage, and, worst of all, divided us as a nation."  General Colin Powell says that "Trump is a national disgrace."


Entertainer and former politician Arnold Schwarzenegger made this poignant statement: "For the first time since I became a US citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the republican candidate for president.  But, as proud as I am to label myself a republican, there is one label that I hold above all else... American.  So I want to take a moment today to remind my fellow republicans that it is not only acceptable to choose your country over your party... It is your duty!"


Trump continues to deliver his message in an uncivil, mean-spirited, and bombastic manner.  His speeches are replete with lies, exaggerations, embellishments, and hyperbole.  His rhetoric is littered with name-calling, profanity, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, violence, and hatred.


Project 2025: Blueprint for Oppression of LGBTQ Americans

What Could Be

Trump the Dictator by Robert Reich

Trump’s Nationalism Puts the World in Grave Danger: What This Country Needs is a Patriot

CNN: Trump Quotes Putin, Calls Biden Threat to Democracy, Reiterates Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric
C-Span: Donald Trump Says President Biden a Threat to Democracy, Quotes Putin and Orban
Trump Rhetoric Branded as Disgusting

Trump Didn’t Break America, He Revealed Our Brokenness
Donald Trump Has Brought On Countless Controversies In An Unlikely Campaign


"I'll admit that Joe Biden is old.  But, Donald Trump is deranged.  He is cruel, dishonest, and malignantly narcissistic. He is disloyal to his country.  He is cultish, ignorant, authoritarian,  and corrupt.  he is lawless.  I'll take Biden's old age over Trump's evil in a heartbeat."

-Joe Walsh, Former GOP Congressman


Add to his brutish style and authoritarian ambitions, the observed actions of this candidate who has demonstrated enormous incompetence, abuse of power, and obstruction of justice. Trump has sided with white supremacists, religious extremists, and bigots of every ilk.  His dishonesty is profound. He continues to spread disinformation and lies.  He has insulted military veterans, maligned respected governmental servants, lied about his opponents, and attacked innocent people who disagreed with him. He is an indicted criminal who has racked up 91 felony counts for sexual misconduct, fraud, obstruction, and election interference.  And he incited a violent insurrection on the US Capitol.


This situation is of serious political concern.  Unless Americans realize the enormity of the problem and fully understand the dire consequences of a Trump presidency, our nation is in trouble.  If Trump is elected, there is no doubt he will target the civil rights of women, minorities, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community.  He will trample personal liberties, trash human rights, and discard the US Constitution.


Like dictators who have gone before him, Trump is a threat to democracy, a catalyst for fascism, and a clear and present danger. He is a traitor to his country. Throughout history, it would seem, people did not take the various Hitlers and Mussolinis seriously until it was too late.


Trump's Ramped-Up Rhetoric: Violence and Authoritarianism
WBUR: Trump is a Clear and Present Danger

NPR: Why Trump's Authoritarian Language About 'Vermin' Matters

Would-Be Dictator: Trump Has Authoritarian Interests
ABC: Trump's Vow to be a Dictator on Day One Follows Growing Worry Over his Authoritarian Rhetoric

Donald Trump: The Muppet Show Mashup
Trump Pushes Authoritarian Agenda for Second Term
PBS: Trump’s Violent and Authoritarian Rhetoric Raises New Concerns

C-Span: Donald Trump on Illegal Immigrants: Poisoning the Blood of Our Country

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody



Donald Trump: Pathological Liar


The Washington Post reported that, "Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years."  Analysts suggest that, on average, Trump "made almost 21 untrue statements a day while in office."


On the campaign trail in 2024, Trump continues to make false and misleading statements.  He spews exaggerations and hyperbole.  He makes up data and statistics. He stokes conspiracy theories.  He has not stopped delivering disinformation.  He just tells one lie after another.


Here are some of the statements he has made about himself:


--He created the greatest economy in US history (not by any metric).
--He passed the biggest tax cut in history (it ranks 8th).
--He did more for Black people than any president since Abraham Lincoln (not by any metric).
--He defeated ISIS in four weeks (it took the United States and coalition partners more than two years after he took office).
--He was the first president to impose tariffs on China (China has faced US tariffs since George Washington first enacted them in 1789).
--He increased government revenue even though he cut taxes (False).

Trump loves to play with numbers...

--According to Trump, the number of migrants entering the US under Biden is "15 million, maybe 19 million, might get as high as 20 million."
--Fact: 8.5 million encounters, 4 million expelled.

--According to Trump, the inflation rate under Biden is 50%, and under Trump it was 0%.
--Fact: 8% under Trump, and a high of 9% down to 3.2% under Biden.


Fact Checking Trump’s Presidential Bid Announcement
False and Misleading Statements by Donald Trump
Donald Trump Election Lies Listed in his Georgia Indictment
The Biggest Lies of Trump’s Presidency

Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody



Joe Biden's Comments About trump


"We know who Trump is. The question is who are we?"
-President Joe Biden


Here are some select quotes from President Joe Biden in a speech he delivered on the third anniversary of the January 6 insurrection...


"Donald Trump's campaign is about him. Not America, not you. Donald Trump's campaign is obsessed with the past. Not the future. He's willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power."

"Trump is running as the denier-in-chief, the election denier-in-chief. Once again, he's saying he won't honor the results of the election if he loses... He still doesn't understand the basic truth and that is you can't love your country only when you win."

"For the first time in our history, insurrectionists had come to stop the peaceful transfer of power in America ... smashing windows, shattering doors, attacking the police. Outside, gallows were erected as the MAGA crowd chanted 'Hang Mike Pence.' Inside, they hunted for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi." "Over 140 police officers injured. Jill and I attended the funerals of police officers who died as a result of the events that day. Because of Donald Trump's lies. They died because these lies brought a mob to Washington."

"Trump's mob wasn't a peaceful protest, it was a violent assault. They were insurrectionists, not patriots... I'll say what Donald Trump won't. Physical violence is never, ever acceptable in the United States political system... It has no place in a democracy, none. You can't be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American."

"What's Trump done? Instead of calling them criminals, he's called these insurrectionists patriots ... and he promised to pardon them if he returned to office. Trump said that there was a lot of love on January 6. The rest of the nation, including law enforcement, saw a lot of hate and violence."

"He tried to rewrite the facts of January 6. Trump is trying to steal history the same way he tried to steal the election."


President Joe Biden: Third Anniversary of Jan 6 Attack on the Capitol
Senator Lindsey Graham Hates Trump, Loves Biden

NPR: Why Trump's Authoritarian Language About 'Vermin' Matters

Would-Be Dictator: Trump Has Authoritarian Interests

ABC: Trump's Vow to be a Dictator on Day One Follows Growing Worry Over his Authoritarian Rhetoric

Trump's Ramped-Up Rhetoric: Violence and Authoritarianism
WBUR: Trump is a Clear and Present Danger

Donald Trump: The Muppet Show Mashup

Trump Pushes Authoritarian Agenda for Second Term
PBS: Trump’s Violent and Authoritarian Rhetoric Raises New Concerns

C-Span: Donald Trump on Illegal Immigrants: Poisoning the Blood of Our Country

CNN Report: Trump's Interest in Hitler

Trump's Favorite Things: Randy Rainbow Song Parody



Donald Trump: The Great Name-Caller


From the beginning, name-calling and personal insults have been a regular part of Trump's rhetoric.

Trump constantly derides and castigates anyone who does not agree with.  He will bad-mouth anyone who opposes him and vilify any source of negative news against him.  In his career, Trump has demeaned honorable people and organizations while lavishing flattery on some of the most vile characters.  Let's examine Trump's descriptions of various folks and groups:


--Mainstream Media - Fake News
--Presidential Opponents - Crooked

--Military Veterans - Suckers and losers
--Developing Nations - Shithole countries

--Democrat Cities - Politically corrupt

--Facebook - Enemy of the People

--United States - Banana Republic, Third World Country, Very Corrupt Country


Trump is especially insulting to women:


--Breastfeeding Woman - Disgusting
--Women Journalist - Young and beautiful piece of ass

--Aggressive Female Interviewer - She had blood coming out of her wherever

--Handling Women - You have to treat 'em like shit
--Female Celebrities - Disgusting slob, fat, ugly, chubby, unattractive, grotesque
--Homemakers - When I come home and dinner's not ready, I'll go through the roof

--His Daughter - I would date her


Trump loves to make fun of minority groups:


--Muslims - Sick hateful people

--Mexicans - Bad Hombres, Rapists

--Immigrants - Not human, Poisoning the blood of our country

--African-Americans - Laziness is a trait in blacks

--Jews - The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day

But, it seems Trump cannot say enough about his affection for deplorable folks:


--Dictators - Close friend, doing a great job, very smart

--Child Sex Trafficker - Terrific guy, I wish him well
--Neo-Nazi Protesters - Very fine people

Autocrats, despots, and dictators are an especially lovely group for Trump. He calls all of them his close friends. He admires them and compliments them. He loves the way they impose strong control over their country.

--Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Doing a very good job
--Xi Jinping - Very good man
--Vladimir Putin - Very smart

--Kim Jong Un - We fell in love

--Adolph Hitler - He did some good things




Donald Trump: Uniquely Reprehensible


Trump has succeeded in many dubious, nefarious, and infamous ways

There has never been a more profoundly dishonest, more willfully ignorant, more irretrievably corrupt, more seriously flawed president than Donald Trump.  There never was a bigger narcissist; a more incessant misogynist, bigot, and racist; a more childish, immature, and irresponsible government official than Trump.  He has distinguished himself in a variety of ways, none of them honorable.


He is the First President...


--in 28 years not to serve a second term

--in 45 years not to release his tax information

--in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House of Rep, and the Senate in one term

--in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice

--in 152 years to boycott his successor's inauguration

--ever to be impeached twice

--ever to be elected with the help of a foreign power

--ever to refuse to concede defeat

--ever to not ensure a peaceful transfer of power

--ever to incite a domestic terrorist attack

--ever to have 26 sexual assault allegations

--ever to be indicted on 91 felony counts


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements



Trump's Broken Promises...


--Promised to build a wall. He only did 458 miles out of 2,000. Most of it was repairing or replacement, not new.
--He promised to make Mexico pay. They didn't.
--He promised to cut the deficit. He added $8 trillion to it.
--He promised to unveil a new health care plan. It didn't exist.
--He promised a middle-class tax cut. He cut taxes for the rich. The middle class is paying for it.
--He said he wouldn't play golf as President. He made 250 visits (way more than Obama) to his own golf clubs. It cost taxpayers $136 million.
--He said he'd increase economic growth by 4%. He didn't. President Biden did.
--He promised an infrastructure plan. He had none. President Biden signed a massive one.
--He promised to hire "the best people." He fired 3/4 of them, and then said they were the worst ever.
--He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs. He didn't. President Biden did.
--He promised a Hillary lock up. It didn't happen.
--Promised we'd win the trade war with China. We didn't. It cost about a quarter million jobs and hurt Americans, not help them.
--He promised his corporate tax cuts would help and benefit workers and corporations would use that money to invest in American workers. They didn't, they used that money to buy back stocks.
--He promised to bring back and revive the coal industry. Never happened. More coal jobs lost during his presidency.
--He promised to drain the swamp. He didn't. He WAS the swamp.


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements


Trump's Worst Offenses as President...


--Failed to take the COVID pandemic seriously and botched the public health response

--Failed to help workers retain their jobs, slashed critical safety nets, and failed to prevent layoffs of state and local workers

--Failed to help small businesses

--Cut benefits and support to middle class working Americans

--Colluded with Russian officials to interfere with the election
--Appointed his unqualified family members to top administration roles

--Appointed inappropriate or otherwise incompetent people to cabinet positions

--Called white nationalist protestors “very fine people”
--Imposed a "Muslim travel ban"

--Repeatedly refused to release his tax returns

--Promised to introduce a new healthcare plan to replace Obamacare but never did

--Tried to stop transgender students from using school bathrooms in line with their gender

--Lied about his inauguration crowd size

--Constantly used racial and ethnic slurs

--Fired staff members for disagreeing with him and his policies

--Encouraged violence from police and other law enforcement officers

--Told lies about his opponents

--Used his presidential platform to attack individual businesses who disagreed with his policies

--Used his presidency to enhance his business dealings

--Publicly ridiculed disabled people

--Dishonored military veterans, including verbally attacking former prisoner-of-war John McCain

--Shared classified information with foreign agents

--Cut corporate tax to its lowest rate since 1939

--Cut tax for wealthy from 35% to 21%

--Referred to third-world/developing countries as "shithole countries"

--Oversaw the longest government shutdown in US history

--Mismanaged immigration procedures at Mexican border and separated migrant children from their parents

--Peddled conspiracy theories

--Gave official governmental speeches that were full of lies

--Issued pardons to criminals who were guilty of serious offenses

--Tried to interfere in the Georgia elections

--Incited a violent attack on the Capitol building that left five people dead

--Destroyed confidential and sensitive governmental documents

Project 2025: Blueprint for Oppression of LGBTQ Americans

What Could Be

Trump the Dictator by Robert Reich

Trump’s Nationalism Puts the World in Grave Danger: What This Country Needs is a Patriot

CNN: Trump Quotes Putin, Calls Biden Threat to Democracy, Reiterates Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric
C-Span: Donald Trump Says President Biden a Threat to Democracy, Quotes Putin and Orban
Trump Rhetoric Branded as Disgusting

Trump Didn’t Break America, He Revealed Our Brokenness
Donald Trump Has Brought On Countless Controversies In An Unlikely Campaign


What Trump is Teaching our Children...


--Cheating is okay

--Mocking the disabled is cool

--Lying is acceptable

--Honesty is not important

--Distorting the truth is normal

--Your word means nothing

--Being rude, disrespectful, and uncivil is permissible

--Never apologize

--Never admit you are wrong

--Never take responsibility for your actions

--Abusing power is fine

--Bullying is allowable

--Violence is acceptable

--Name-calling is cool

--Science is stupid

--Breaking the law is certainly okay

--Stealing is not a problem

--Empathy and compassion is for losers

--Reading is a waste of time

--Education and research is also a waste of time

--Attacking the character of respectful people is fine

--Always blame others

--Always take credit when no credit is due

--Decency and integrity are for losers and suckers


Trump's Failure as a President
Trump's Worst Offenses

Trump's Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis
Worst Things Trump Did During His Presidency
Trump’s Record of Failure and Lawbreaking Fails to Deter GOP Endorsements



QUEER CAFE │ LGBTQ Information Network │ Established 2017